2013年3月27日 星期三

抽祕境智慧卡 - 網絡編織者

光的課程 行星五 - 藍色之光
上課前抽祕境智慧卡, 「請上師給我目前最適合的訊息」

與上一位同學抽的是一樣的, 自個還說牌沒洗乾淨, 其實一直放在手中一直在抽洗著, 切牌後而抽中, 不可能沒洗乾淨, 只是連續兩個人抽中一模一樣的, 才會這樣說出口, 相信我與她兩人之間一定有共同點

上師給出如此的訊息, 必然有所用意
善念將在無形中擴大, 反之亦同; 當然我是美麗又獨特, 我是我 真實的做自己

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The Web Weaver 網絡編織者

synchronicity, divine intelligence, cause and effect

The Web Weaver rejoices that your creations are far-reaching and have postitive effects on the many. Every action, every thought, every word and deed, is woven into the web of creation. When the Web Weaver appears your Ally, she grants you the way to others of like mind and intention and lets you know you're not alone in your endeavors.

Just when you need to make a connection, like magic, synchronicity occurs. Music reverberates through the web and plays in harmony with your own. This is a sign to trust in the connectivity between all events. Magic is afoot for you!

If your query is about a relationship, the Web Weaver gives you assurance that meaningful coincidence comes through to give you reason to hope. Potential grows into reality with care and patience. Remember that the web reaches far and wide, and you're only capable of perceiving a small part of it. Trust and pay attention to the patterns you see play out in your life. All things will be revealed through the web.

Challenger 挑戰

The Web Weaver warns you to address your behavior in all areas. Where are you being dishonest with others and with yourself? Are you fearful that you'll be left out in the cold and abandoned if you don't relinquish control? Your strand in the web is beautiful and unique, and you don't need to camouflage who you really are in order to manipulate results.

You're challenged to stand tall in all your perfect imperfections, see yourself truly, and allow the patterns of your life to be woven into the beauty meant for you and you alone. Keep in mind that if you do what you did, you'll get what you got. The web remembers everything. Do something different this time and watch a miracle. This applies to all your questions in this moment...for everything is connected.
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